UCF DRACO LAB Design of Resilient Architectures for Computing


The DRACO lab is brand new to UCF so we’re growing and looking for undergraduate and graduate researchers alike to join us. While we’re new, we’re dedicated to building a diverse, collaborative, and supportive research team. Our team works hard, welcomes those who want to engage in research and outreach, and above all we treat each other with respect and support one another in our similarities and unique differences.

Lab PI

Graduate Student Researchers

Undergraduate Students



Join Us

Are you interested in joining us as a researcher, developer, or supporter? We’re looking to push the envelope of design automation for semi-conductor technologies of the future - from design, to verification, to test, we’re interesting in developing algorithms and software that increase the development, security, and resilience of next-generation devices.

Funding and Support

The work, projects, publications, materials, and members represented have been funded by a variety of federal, state, local, and corporate entitied. We are greatful for their support and look forward to continuing to develop mutually beneficial relationships. Have a project you’re interesting in supporting? Contact Dr. Mike.