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    Features Demonstration

    A short video demonstrating several of the device's features. Our test user (Johnny Claros) does several movements to assure the device can identify different signs of poor posture. It shows our sensors, embedded code, and power systems working to perfection. Watch on YouTube

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    Calibration Demonstration

    A short video demonstrating the device's calibration mode and it shows the vibration motors properly. Our test user (Johnny Claros) tries to sit poorly and the device asks the user to sit properly. It also shows that the device knows when the user is no longer seated. Watch on YouTube

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    WiFi Module Connect to AWS

    This video demonstartes the ESP8266 wifi module connecting to and updating a database entry in Amazon Web Services. Watch on YouTube.

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    The PCB, designed by Freddie Lopera, is where all our components are connected to. It includes the primary microcontroller, a charging system, a 16-to-1 mux for the pressure sensors, logic level translators for the temperature sensor and wifi module, and the wifi module itself is attached.