Emergency Vehicle Detection System

Ryan Chappell

Ryan Picture

Ryan Chappell will graduate in August 2016 from University of Central Florida
with a Bachelors of Science in Electrical Engineering, a Minor in Marketing,
and a minor in Leadership. During his time at UCF, he was a part of the LEAD
Scholars program and interned at Precision Test Solutions as an Engineering Technician.
After graduation in August 2016, he plans to continue to work with Precision Test
Solutions as an Applications Engineer. Ryan also plans to eventually pursue his Masters of
Business administration.

Daniel Christiano

Daniel Picture

Daniel graduates from the University of Central Florida in May 2016.
He graduates with a Bachelors of Science in Electrical Engineering
with honors. During his time at UCF he worked as an Electromangetic
Compatibility intern at NASA for two years. He also worked as an
undergraute research assistant under Professor Khondaker at the NanoScience
Technology Center researching nanoelectronics. After graduation Daniel will work
at Harris Corporation as an Electromangetic Compatibility engineer. During his
time as an undergraduate Daniel started taking classes towards his Masters in
Electrical Engineer and will finish his Masters at UCF.

John Fick

John Picture

John Graduates the University of Central Florida in May 2016 with a Bachelors of
Science in Electrical Engineering. For the last five years he has been a part of the
Air Force ROTC, with his last three years spent in the leadership. During the summers
he has worked as a Junior Analyst and Engineer for the United States Air Force in the
C-5 Program and the Airworthiness Program. He contributed to the development of the
Engineering Request for Proposal Guide that is used by multiple branches of the Armed
Services today. Upon graduation, John will be commissioning as a 2nd Lieutenant in the
United States Air Force and attending undergraduate Pilot Training at Columbus Air Force
Base, Mississippi. He plans on pursuing his Masters in either ELectrical or Computer
Engineering in the near future.