Invited Talks
Invited Talk
Title: Evolutionary Large Language Models for Hardware Security: The Challenging Obstacles
@ Temple University, College of Engineering Seminar Series, Virtual (Zoom), Oct 2024
Invited Talk | Special Session
Title: From Full-Custom to Gate-Array ASIC for Hardware IP Protection
@ IEEE Dallas Circuits and Systems Conference (IEEE DCAS), Virtual (Zoom), April 2024
Invited Talk | Special Session
Title: Metrics-to-methods: Decisive reverse engineering metrics for resilient logic locking
@ ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI (GLSVLSI), Knoxville, TN, June 2023.
Invited Talk
Title: Security of Hardware Generators: Secure from Construction
@ CAD4Sec Workshop 2022 co-located with Design Automation Conference, San Francisco, CA, July 2022.
Invited Talk
Title: IP Protection through Logic Locking: What to Expect From the State-of-the-art Techniques
@ Micro-Electronics Security Training (MEST) Center Webinar, Virtual (Zoom), March 2022.
Invited Talk
Title: The Usage and Applicability of Satisfiability Modulo Theory (SMT) on Logic Locking
@ IEEE CEDA – CADforAssurance, Virtual (Zoom), March 2021.
Invited Talk | Special Session
Title: Threats on Logic Locking: A Decade Later
@ ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI (GLSVLSI), Tysons Corner, VA, May 2019.
Tutorials and Training Sessions
Title: SMT attack: How Satisfiability Module Theories Enhance De-Obfuscation Capability?
@ IEEE CEDA – CADforAssurance, Virtual (Zoom), May 2021.
Campus and Departmental Talks
CECS College Seminar
Title: Automation in Hardware Security: From Design to Verification and Testing
@ University of Central Florida, College of Engineering and Computer Science (CECS) Virtual Series (Zoom), February 2024.
Invited Talk
Title: Microelectronics Supply Chain Security: Building Secure Hardware by Construction
@ University of Central Florida, ECE Department, Orlando, FL, April 2023.
Invited Talk
Title: Hardware Security from High-Level Abstraction Level
@ University of Florida, ECE Seminar Series, Gainesville, FL, November 2022.
ECE Seminar
Title: Evolution of Logic Locking: Moving Towards Next Generation Logic Locking Countermeasures
@ George Mason University, ECE Seminar Series, Fairfax, VA, April 2021.
Panel and Roundtable Discussions
Panel Presenter
Title: Hardware Security from High-Level Abstraction Level
@ NIST-AFRL Meeting, Virtual (Zoom).
Organizing and Technical Committee
- TPC Member, Design Automation and Test in Europe (DATE) Conference
- TPC Member, IEEE Int’l Symp. on Hardware Oriented Security and Trust (HOST)
- Hardware Demo Chair, IEEE Int’l Symp. on Hardware Oriented Security and Trust (HOST)
- Session Chair, IEEE VLSI Test Symposium (VTS)
- TPC Member, Design Automation and Test in Europe (DATE) Conference
- TPC Member, IEEE Int’l Symp. on Hardware Oriented Security and Trust (HOST)
- TPC Member, IEEE International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD)
- TPC Member, ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI (GLSVLSI)
- TPC Member, IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI (ISVLSI)
- Session Chair, IEEE Int’l Conference on Physical Assurance and Inspection of Electronics (PAINE)
- Session Chair, ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI (GLSVLSI)
- Session Chair, IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI (ISVLSI)
- Hardware Competition Chair, IEEE Int’l Symp. on Hardware Oriented Security and Trust (HOST)
- TPC Member, ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI (GLSVLSI)
- Publicity Chair, CAD4Sec Workshop, Co-located with Design Automation Conference (DAC)
- TPC Member, IEEE Int’l Symp. on Hardware Oriented Security and Trust (HOST)
- Publicity Chair, IEEE Int’l Symp. on Hardware Oriented Security and Trust (HOST)
- TPC Member, IEEE Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS), 2023
- Session Chair, IEEE Int’l Symp. on Hardware Oriented Security and Trust (HOST)
- Publicity Chair, CAD4Sec Workshop, Co-located with Design Automation Conference (DAC)
- Student Organizing Team, Center for Hardware and Embedded System Security and Trust (CHEST)
- AV Chair, Computer Architecture & Digital Systems Conference (CADS)
Journal Papers Review
- IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (IEEE TVLSI)
- Springer Journal of Electronic Testing
- MDPI Electronics
- MDPI Cryptography
- Elsevier Microprocessors and Microsystems (Elsevier MICPRO)
- Springer Journal of Electronic Testing
- IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security (IEEE TIFS)
- IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (IEEE TVLSI)
- ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems (ACM JETC)
- IEEE Embedded System Letter (IEEE ESL)
- MDPI Sensors
- Springer Journal of Electronic Testing
- IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems (IEEE TCAD)
- IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (IEEE TVLSI)
- ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems (ACM JETC)
- IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing (IEEE TETC)
- MDPI Cryptography
- IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems (IEEE TCAD)
- IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (IEEE TVLSI)
- ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems (ACM TODAES)
- IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (IEEE TVLSI)
- IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems (IEEE TCAD)
- IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (IEEE TVLSI)
- IEEE Transactions on Computers (IEEE TC)
Other Conference Papers Reviews (Second/Sub)
- IEEE VLSI Test Symposium (VTS)
- IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI (ISVLSI)
- IEEE International Symposium on Hardware Oriented Security and Trust (HOST)
- ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC)
- ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC)
- IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI (ISVLSI)
- ACM Great Lake Symposioum on VLSI (GLSVLSI)
- ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC)
- ACM Great Lake Symposioum on VLSI (GLSVLSI)
- IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI (ISVLSI)
University/College/Department Services
- Florida Cluster Initiatives (FCI) Faculty Fellow, Student and Postdoc Engagement