Qun Zhou Sun
Director of Smart Infrastructure Data Analytics Laboratory
University of Central Florida
Email: qz.sun@ucf.edu
Office: HEC 358
Ph: 407-823-3284
– Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, UCF
– Courtesy Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, UCF
Professional Activities:
– Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid
– Secretary, IEEE Power and Energy Society (PES) Smart Buildings, Loads, and Customer Systems (SBLC) Committee
Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, Iowa State University, 2011
B.S., Electrical Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 2007
Team Members

Wenyi Wang
Postdoctoral Fellow
Education: Ph.D., Machinal Engineering, University of Texas at Dallas, 2019
Research: HVAC operations, model predictive control, and building-grid interactions.

Guanyu Tian
Ph.D. Student, Electrical Engineering
Education: M.S., Electrical Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 2016
Research: Commercial building modeling and optimization, demand response

Hossein Panamtash
Ph.D. student, Electrical Engineering
Education: B.S., Electrical Engineering, University of Tehran, 2017
Research: Solar power forecasting, solar system integration and optimization

Xipeng Jin
Ph.D. student, Electrical Engineering
Education: B.S., Physics, Capital Normal University, 2019
Research: Modeling and optimization of commercial buildings
Michael Cash
Ph.D. student, Computer Science
Education: B.S., Computer Science, Florida International University,
Research: Building cyber security, BACnet and KNX protocol security, cyber-physical attacks.
SIDAL Alumni
Samy Faddel, Postdoctoral Fellow, 2019-2021, currently with ABB Research Center.
Lei Wang, M.S., 2019, currently with Florida State University.
Rahul Birari, M.S., 2017, currently with Software Motor Company.