Project Description
Many families worry about the safety of their infant and even lose sleep over monitoring the child themselves, especially when the infant was just born. These parents become exhausted and may not be able to take very good care of their child through this exhaustion. Should the infant be in danger of SIDS or any other dangers, they might not be there or recognize their infant is in trouble and need attending to. The Smart Baby Monitor uses a main monitor and a wearable, essentially a two piece system, to gather biometric data of the baby and detect the face of the infant. The system is split in two between the main microprocessor and the Wearable printed circuit board (PCB). The main microprocessor, Raspberry Pi 4 Model B, can handle any heavy duty jobs that we require of it and is able to transmit that data with ease to the mobile application. The main microprocessor will also handle humidity readings as well as the camera function to process the images of the area and the infant in the vicinity. The Wearable PCB aims to be compact to fit on an infant and will include a temperature sensor and a heart rate sensor, along with a Wifi module to be able to transmit the sensor data. Each of the sensors will gather their respective data and send it from the selected module, the ESPRESSIF ESP32-WROOM-32E complete with built-in antenna for data transmission, and be pushed to the mobile application through Amazon Web Services (AWS) servers. This makes it so that it will be much easier for parents to monitor their child with less stress and more relief, especially at night when the baby is put to sleep. The following sections will cover the details of all the hardware and software components implemented in the Smart Baby Monitor.