Distributed Sound Event Location System

Project Summary

Sound is a powerful tool that is utilized in many unique ways by humans and animals alike to assist us in different situations from safety and survival, communication, entertainment, and more. This project was envisioned to combine these different elements to a system that can be used in a variety of applications.

The Distributed Sound Event Location System (DiSEL) implements a network of devices around a desired area that listen to their surrounding sounds and in the event a user defined sound event occurs, the system will attempt to classify the sound that occurred and determine the sound’s origin location. The resultant information will then be displayed for the user on the DiSEL website.

Group Members

Brandon LaGuerre - Electrical Engineer
Brandon LaGuerre will be graduating from UCF in December of 2020 with a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering. After graduating, he will transition to a full-time position at L3Harris and in the near future will pursue a Master’s degree.

Mark Judy - Computer Engineer
Mark Judy will be graduating from UCF in December of 2020 with a Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering. After graduating, he is going to transition to a full-time position at IBM.

Chris Santana - Electrical Engineer
Chris Santana will be graduating from UCF in December of 2020 with a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering. After graduation, he is going to further pursue his interests in power engineering.

Drew King - Computer Engineer
Drew King will be graduating from UCF in December of 2020 with a Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering. After graduating, his is going to further pursue his interests in machine learning and full stack web development.

Critical Design Review

Final Presentation
