C.A.N.E. (Computerized Assistive Near Eyesight)

The Computer Assistive Near Eyesight (C.A.N.E.) System is a synthesis of sensors, controllers and software to assist visually impaired individuals with navigating the world. It gathers information about the environment with the use of its sensors, and interprets the data to look for obstacles and landmarks in the world. It will then alert the user to these obstacles based on priority and proximity. Vibrating motors along with audio feedback are used to alert the user and direct them to safety. Multiple sensor technologies are utilized to ensure reliable and safe readings of the environment. Computer Vision technologies will further detect and classify obstructions and additional surroundings. Audio feedback is used to alert the user to changes in the environment or high alert messages.

Meet the Team

Carlos Diego Arevalo Is an electrical engineering student at the university of central Florida and will be graduating in December 2020. Carlos is employed as an Electrical Designer for Wilson & Girgenti. He hopes to continue his career with Wilson & Girgenti and take the FE in the near future.

Rebecca Englehart is a senior at the University of Central Florida and will be graduating in December 2020 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Engineering.

Clement Hall is a 23 year old senior at University of Central Florida studying Computer Engineering and will be graduating in December 2020

Davis Hilton is a senior electrical engineering student graduating from the University of Central Florida in December 2020 with a Bachelor’s of Science degree in Electrical Engineering. He was a CWEP participant for Lockheed Martin and is seeking employment in his field to become an engineer, and will be taking the FE soon after graduating.

Carlos Diego Arevalo

Rebecca Englehart

Clement Hall

Davis Hilton


Divide and Conquer
Senior Design 1 Final Documentation
Critical Design Review
Conference Paper
Senior Design 2 Final Documentation
Final Presentation Slides
Final Presentation Video
Final Demonstration Video