2020 was a year when the COVID-19 pandemic forced UCF to implement remote instruction, and therefore we needed to produce videos to show our progress.
Taken from inspiration from Neil Harbisson, the cyborg who can hear colors, our device will allow for individuals to see sound. In the simplest terms, this project’s intended purpose is to transform music into light. It receives an audio input chosen by the user and showcases a visual signal that is correlated to and therefore representative of the sound data. It can work with any smartphone via file upload. It converts and displays any musical data into visual display.
10 page Divide and Conquer Document.
Senior Design 1 Final Report - contains the original thoughts and ideas we had about the project, before we faced the challenges of SD2.
A Critical Design Review (CDR) is a multi-disciplined technical review to ensure that a system can proceed into fabrication, demonstration, and test and can meet stated performance requirements within cost, schedule, and risk.
The 8 page conference paper needed for engaging the reviewer committee.
This presentation was presented and recorded and available embeded in this website, as well as in YouTube.
The AUDIOVISIBLE device has been devised to fulfill a single yet daunting objective: to serve an underserve audience, and serve it well, by delivering the visual experience of an audio experience. In other words, this device will attempt to make music, visible, for the deaf and hard-of-hearing population.
Projector and lenses.
All schematics are available for free in GitHub.
"Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. The ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results." --Andrew Carnegie
Hardware Engineer
Software Engineer
Optic Engineer
Hardware Engineer
The AUDIOVISIBLE team will gladly answer any questions you might have
Please follow the links below to ask us anything
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