Senior Design 2 Documents

About Our Team
Senior Design 1 Documents
Senior Design 2 Documents

Senior Design 2 consists of five documents. They are listed in order of time of turn in and completion. Senior Design 2 is all about putting the planning from Senior Design 1 into action and creating a working prototype of the project. The first part of Senior Design 2 is the Critical Design Review (CDR) where groups present their project to other groups that can critque and ask questions. This process helps to prevent any errors that may have been overlooked by the team in the designing phase. The next step is a presentation to a committee of engineers of our choosing. This presentation must be a completed prototype that fits all the requirements and specifications that were set out in the updated Final Paper. A Conference style paper must be written for the committee, a 20 minute presentation, 5 minutes of questions, and 15 minutes of a demonstration must be shown to the committee. The Showcase is a demonstration of all Senior Design teams projects in a convention style. A final revised version of the Senior Design 1 paper is the final part of Senior Design 2.

Document PDF Doc/PPTX
CDR Critical Design Review.pdf Critical Design Review.pptx
Conference Paper Conference Paper.pdf Conference Paper.docx
Committee Presentation Committee Presentation.pdf Committee Presentation.pptx
Showcase Showcase.pdf Showcase.pptx
Final Paper Final Paper.pdf Final Paper.docx
Project Code Zip GitHub
Project Code Final GitHub Repository