The Mushroom Nursery aims to provide a hands-off experience when it comes to growing mushrooms, as to eliminate any potential human error in the process. The Nursery will automate daily processes such as hydrating the mushrooms, controlling humidity, and providing fresh air to the environment. The aim is to reduce the risk of contamination from the external environment, which is a large problem when attempting to grow mushrooms.
David Booth - a senior Computer Engineering student
at the University of Central Florida, employed at Bold Technologies
with interests in web, mobile and automation technologies.
Mardochee Cajuste - a senior Computer Engineering
student at the University of Central Florida, employed at Universal
Studios with interests in Machine Learning, hardware design and
innovative technologies.
John Farriss - a senior Computer Engineering student
at the University of Central Florida, intern Software Engineer at SAIC
with interests in Web, Automation and AI technologies.