Smartplant Hub

Welcome group 17's project page, this website will contain all of our group's documents.

Spring 22 to Summer 22

Project Introduction

When it comes to taking care of plants, nothing is more important to their
livelihood than the environment they are living in. This is the reason many
fruits and vegetables have to be grown in certain states or countries, as their
climates are best suited for those plants. We want to make monitoring the most
important factors of the environment easy for anyone, and the best way to do
that would be to allow an owner access to all the information they might need
in one place: in their pocket.

Our project aims to allow for easy monitoring of one plant with the eventual
possibility of multiple at a time. These monitors include sensors for moisture,
humidity, light, temperature and pH. The physical sensors themselves will be all
put together into one main monitor PCB that is as low cost and low power as possible
while maintaining accuracy.

Group Members

PCB & Power

Kristen Marks

Electrical Engineering Major

Software & Sensing

Brendon Hales

Computer Engineering Major

Integration & Systems Control

Hunter Cheung

Computer Engineering Major

Database & Software

Daniel Bohl

Computer Engineering Major