Group 19
Avery Mills
Computer Engineer
Responsible For:
- Designing controller and integrating parts together
- Writing C code to interpret controller inputs and convert them to commands
- Writing C++ code to communicate from the controller to the submarine
Madison Melton
Electrical Engineer
Responsible for:
- Analyzing overall power flow and component electrical requirements
- Designing, laying out, and soldering of PCBs
- Working on motors and propulsion
- Editing together final presentation video
Jacob Lavoy
Electrical Engineer
Responsible for:
- Designing ballast system
- Wiring ballast system
- Developing this website
Joshua Nichols
Computer Engineer
Responsible for:
- Leading this team of four to successfully create a remotely controlled submarine
- Writing C++ code to interpret commands and send images and sensor data to the controller
- Modeling all 3D printed parts to withstand the expected pressures
- Calculating the expected pressures and buoyancy of the submarine
- Creating, streamlining, and proofreading all submitted documentation
- Editing together the CDR, midterm demo, and final demo videos
© 2021, LaVoy, Mills, Melton, Nichols.