A remotely operated underwater vehicle that de-risks aquatic exploration and assists in locating personal effects.
We have designed a subaquatic Remotely Operated Vehicle.
The platform created includes propulsion, metal detection, cameras, and other sensors.
To command it, a surface station has been designed, allowing the operator to interact with the device via a Dual Shock 4 controller and an Oculus Rift.
To support the display, multiple cameras have a field of view encompassing the entire environment around the device, and the viewer experiences an omnidirectional view, combined with an assistive heads up display.
The sensing platform of the device includes a metal detection system, with multiple coils for location discrimination.
In order to monitor its own status, the ROV is equiped with an IMU for positional and bearing information, as well as leak detection systems to monitor for dangerous operating conditions.
The myriad of systems designed communicate via Robot Operating System and a network of constructed publishers and subscribers.
Technologies used include the single board computer, the NVIDIA Jetson, both the ATMEGA328 and the ATMEGA2560, software libraries including ROS, OpenHMD, Processing, GStreamer, Debian Linux, and other GNU and Java systems.
In the pursuit of our goal, we produced nearly a dozen PCBs, including multiple revisions of our primary logic board and power supply, a PCB coil inductor for the metal detectors, as well as a modular card system for prototyping.
Computer Engineering
T Davis
Computer Engineering
Sarah Reim
Electrical Engineering
Tyler Rose
Electrical Engineering
Senior Design 2 Final Documentation© 2020, Cope, Davis, Reim, Rose.