Project Description
This project involves designing a robot that resembles and moves like a dog, while also having the capabilities of a virtual assistant like Amazon's Alexa. The project is made to create a unique companion for all ages while also providing utility. The robot dog is small and compact, designed not to be heavy or difficult to carry around. This section on the project description gives the reasoning, motivation, and goals of developing a robot dog with the idea of being a home companion for house chores, assistance, and general emotional wellbeing. In the final part of this section the projects requirement specifications will be laid out to show we meet the goals and objectives.
Goal and Objectives
- Google Assistant/Amazon Alexa capable
- Expressive and emotional capable of analog motor and digital eyes expression
- Capable of moving with four independent legs
- Able to assume different positions
- Reacts to its name and other voice commands
- Touch-sensitive
- Able to recognize humans and objects in front of it
- Alternative to live animal emotional support
- Support for loneliness, anxiety, and stress
- Usage of AI assistants are rapidly increasing with 4 billion voice assistant devices being sold in 2020*
- AI Assistant would allow the dog to be useful for common tasks/questions
- Companionship without need for continuous monetary and time expense
Initial Project Description
Senior Design 1 Final Document
Critical Design Review
Conference Paper
Final Presentation
Senior Design 2 Final Document
Middle Term Demo
Final Presentation
Final Demo
Group Members

Jonathan Hernandez
Jonathan Hernandez is a graduating Computer Engineering student at the University of Central Florida. He worked on 3D design and the Alexa smart assistant. After graduation he plans on working as a Hardware Engineer in emerging technical fields such as virtual reality, satellites, and nanotech.
Anthony Coniglio
Anthony Coniglio is a graduating Computer Engineering student at the University of Central Florida. He worked on designing the software code for the web app and worked on the Ai Interactions. After graduation he plans on working as a Software/Hardware Engineer and start his own business.
Adrian Lopez
Adrian Lopez is a graduating Electrical Engineering student at the University of Central Florida. He worked on power delivery system design and PCB integration. After graduation, he plans on working in the field of communications engineering.