About Us
Jaundice is a common but potentially dangerous condition in newborns wherein elevated concentrations of bilirubin causes yellow discoloration of the skin and eye whites. The Direct Absorbance Bilirubin Spectrometer (DABS) is designed to determine whether the bilirubin levels are threatening or safe by measuring light absorbance through a sample.
Learn More Meet TeamThe DABS device is capable of providing approximate results that can indicate whether bilirubin levels are safe, elevated, or whether immediate medical attention is recommended. And it was designed to be:
- Quick
- Affordable
- Light-weight
Team Members - Bio
Bernardin Dezius - Computer Engineering
Bernardin Dezius is a graduating Computer Engineer at the University of Central Florida. He plans to go into the industry right after graduating and hopes to become a Software/Hardware Consultant with a software firm. He also hopes to eventually return to school for a degree in one of multiple stem fields that interest him.
Juan Gonzalez - Electrical Engineering
Juan Gonzalez is a graduating Electrical Engineer at the University of Central Florida. He plans to make his internship a full-time job as a Control Systems Engineer and obtain his masters in a STEM related field at the University of Central Florida after graduation.
Kevin Kuzius - Electrical Engineering
Kevin Kuzius is a graduating Electrical Engineer at the University of Central Florida. Currently a part of the College Work Experience Program partnership with Lockheed Martin. He plans to enter the industry upon graduation.
Kevin Landau - Photonic Science and Engineering
Kevin Landau is graduating with a Bachelor of Science degree in Photonic Science and Engineering from CREOL, The College of Optics and Photonics at the University of Central Florida. He plans to go into industry after graduating with ASML which works with photolithography machines for the semiconductor industry. He also hopes to eventually return to school to obtain a master's degree in a STEM related field.
Andrea Wetteland - Photonic Science and Engineering
Andrea Wetteland is graduating with a Bachelors of Sciene in Photonic Science and Engineering from CREOL, The College of Optics and Photonics. She has been working as a laser engineering intern at L3Harris Advanced Laser Systems Technology and plans on continue designing and testing laser.