Our device requires only a laptop and two batteries making it completely portable.
The dimensions of our device are only 7.5inx7.5inx5.75in
Our casing is made of acryllic which was only $30 for the entire casing.
At 4.7lbs, our device can be carried almost effortlessly.
To operate the device, the user only needs to flip a switch to turn on the laser diode and click the start button to run the program.
As the popularity of physical health and awareness grows, we hope this project sheds light(ha) on what we are commonly putting in our bodies.
Initial project proposal.
Early esearch and documentation on our project.
Final presentation to the review committee.
Quick overview of our final project.
Demonstration of our device.
Final reasearch and documentation on our project.
Powerpoint presentation about the project shown to our peers.
Our final powerpoint
Optics and Photonics
Sample Preparation
Optics and Photonics
Sample Preparation
Computer Science
Software Design
Image Processing
Electrical Engineering
Power Design
Circuit/PCB Design