Aerial Intruder Removal - System for Tracking and Rendering Ineffective Knavish Enemies (AIR-STRIKE)
AIR-STRIKE is a fully autonomous targeting and tracking system that is able to detect objects of a particular color, and using a directed energy subsystem, neutralize the target. We use the CC3200 microcontroller to process all of our data and command our laser system and servos in order to neutralize our targets. The CC3200 also contains an on-board web server that allows the user to view a 3-D rendering of our field-of-view to locate where the targets are located as well as giving the user full control over our subsystem. For our proof-of-concept, we decided to detect balloons based on color and eliminate them using a high power laser beam.
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Kevin Chau is a senior studying Computer Engineering and Secure Computing and Networks at the University of Central Florida. He has interned at Lockheed Martin, DE Technologies and Dignitas Technologies from 2010 to 2015. Kevin is currently focused in computer networking and will continue graduate studies while working at a commerical business.

Scott Greenwald is currently a senior at the University of Central Florida studying Electrical Engineering. He has interned with Lockheed Martin as a Systems Engineer throughout the summers of 2013 and 2014. After graduation, Scott will begin full time with Lockheed Martin in Orlando while continuing his education and working towards getting his Master’s Degree in Electrical Engineering.

Christopher Walls is a current senior at the University of Central Florida, studying in the field of Computer Engineering. In the spring of 2012 he started work in the Intelligent Systems Lab at UCF as an undergraduate research associate under Dr. Avelino Gonzalez. He’s spent two summers interning at Lockheed Martin as both a Systems Engineer and a Software Engineer in the summers of 2013 and 2014, and now works as a College Work Experience Program student as a Software Engineer at Lockheed Martin. After graduation he plans to work full-time as a Software Engineer while pursuing a Master’s Degree.

Andrew Kirk is a senior undergraduate student attending the University of Central Florida. He is enrolled in the Photonic Science and Engineering degree program at the College of Optics and Photonics. He has interned at Lockheed Martin on the Joint Strike Fighter program and currently works in the Advanced Materials Engineering group. When he graduates he’ll be the first UCF student to graduate with a Bachelor’s Degree in Photonic Science and Engineering.